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Don't You Want Me




| Hebrew | Hebrew ebook |

German (2026) | Italian (2026) | 


A young boy drowns in a muddy pond, and Kermit, Schneid, and Gershon, fearing it might be their friend Travis, run away from school to watch the rescue. Their escape ignites a bitter conflict between two of the friends. A third friend embarks on a quest for revenge against a grumpy old man who may have killed his beloved dogs—or perhaps more than just dogs. The fourth friend chases his creative dreams and becomes a national sensation at a young age. Over the years, one will meet a tragic death, another will become a tombstone artist, the third will build a global falafel empire, and the fourth will continue to drift from place to place, chasing his childhood love while fleeing from her—and from himself.

      Don't You Want Me unfolds as an epic tale spanning four decades in the lives of four friends from a small village near Jerusalem. But it is more than just a coming-of-age novel. Don't You Want Me is a story about a place, about memory, and about the volatile history of violence interwoven with obsessive loves. The history of the small village is entwined with that of Zionism and Israel—from Herzl’s grotesque visit to the area, to the decisive battles of the War of Independence nearby, from the harsh conditions in the village's early days to a mysterious skull discovered in the attic of a ruined house.




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